21GROUP - Студия создания веб-сайтов и IT решений для малого и среднего бизнеса


The ideology of 21 GROUP is based on 3 main principles and is reflected in our logo:

01 /

The strength of the team. Each of us individually is good, but together we become many times better, more efficient and more effective. This also applies to the team inside our web studio, and the formation of a single team with the customer while working on the project. Communication is our strong point.

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Century of information technology. Modern websites that meet all consumer needs and web platforms are our specialty and we do everything to be the best in this field and provide our customers with high-quality results.

03 /
Never look back

We are not satisfied with what has already been achieved. We are always in development, improving processes, learn new things so that each new project becomes better than the previous one.